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X's "default console input source" = /dev/what?

From "man kbd" for X 4.3.0: (Doesn't exist in earlier versions)

  The following driver Options are supported:

       Option "Device" "string"
              Specify  the  keyboard  device.   Default: the OS's
              default console keyboard input source.

This is /dev/console, right? No... explicitly specifying
Option "Device" "/dev/console" gives me garbage. /dev/kbd? Only exists
on SPARC. /dev/tty-I-started-X-from? No. /dev/xconsole? No, that's not
"the X version of /dev/console" but a special fifo for the xconsole

What I want to do is find out which /dev entry the above "default
console keyboard input source" refers to, then tell netcat to copy
/dev/whatever on a machine A without X to a fifo on a machine B which
is running X. XF86Config on machine B then specifies 
Option "Device" "my-special-fifo" as its keyboard device. I can then
use X on machine B, with machine B's mouse and display, but with
keyboard input coming from machine A.

But which /dev entry is it? Experimenting either gives me garbage or a
crash, /usr/share/doc/xspecs is of no help; Google has only given me
the negative result that /dev/kbd is only on SPARC. If only that
man page entry said "Default: /dev/somethingorother"...

Can anybody help me fill in the blank please?


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