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Re: Wireless setup questions

Jeff Elkins <jeffelkins@earthlink.net> writes:

> 1. I'm now getting a "choose networking interface" option at
> bootup. How can I disable this?

You must have installed a package that provides this; you might look
through the list of installed packages in something like aptitude.
Looking through the links in /etc/rcS.d and /etc/rc2.d might also give
you a hint of which package it is.

> 2. eth0 is non-existant when dhcp attempts to connect for an IP,
> hence it fails, as do my network mounts,etc. After boot I have to
> issue a sudo pump -i eth0 to grab an address, then mount my shares.

Do you have 'auto eth0' in your /etc/network/interfaces file?  If so,
take it out; then the network scripts won't try to bring up eth0 at
boot time (before PCMCIA), but when pcmcia-cs discovers that you have
a network card, it will run 'ifup eth0' on its own.  (My impression is
also that 'pump' is considered among the more, well, ghetto of the
available DHCP clients, so you might try using 'dhcp-client' instead
if you have weird DHCP problems.)

So, your /etc/network/interfaces file should look (very loosely) like

  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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