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Re: Need help with KDE/KDM

On Monday, June 23, 2003, at 02:24 PM, David Z Maze wrote:

Rich Johnson <rjohnson@dogstar-interactive.com> writes:

I can't log on through kdm_greet.   All I see is a momentary  loss of
video signal then the login screen comes back.

That symptom sounds very much like you're successfully logging in,
whatever your X session is runs to completion, and you automatically
log out.  Do you have a .xsession file, and if so, does it wait for
some long-running process (typically a window manager or session
manager) to finish?  What kdm session are you using?

Thanks. This I can believe. But then why would startx behave differently? Wouldn't it still yield the default single console window you get when you run startx without a .xinitrc?

I've tried all three session types (default, kde3, failsafe) and there's no change in behavior. I've tried both modifying .xsession and .xinitrc files, and there's no change in behavior.
    (.xsession and .xinit are identical)
I get the same behavior whether I login as root or a normal user. In neither case does it appear to run .xsession

For reference, I'm using a stubby little .xinitrc/.xsession:
#! /bin/sh
echo `date`": start X session" > /tmp/xtrace
xconsole -geometry 528x70+0+0  &
echo `date`": end X session" > /tmp/xtrace

I assume that .xsession is not running because /tmp/xtrace is left untouched.


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