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If it works, why change? (was RE: Anyone using the CAD packages?)

On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 14:20, Wathen, Metherion wrote:
> True, they do work; however, so do soooo many other programs that
> aren't given a fair shake in light of the numbers of people who
> use the 'big name' products. WordPerfect is probably a prime example
> of a program that is/was as good as any similar program developed by
> M$ (if not better), but M$ start beating the interoperability drum and
> people pushed aside WordPerfect for Word, and dealt with the problems
> they had until they over came them.
> Funny side note on this.
> I worked at a firm that for years wouldn't upgrade certain software
> because the secretail staff refused to use anything other than
> WordPerfect for creating documents. Not only was it WP, but it was
> WP for DOS! (this is the honest truth!).

Hey, WP6.0a for DOS was a *great* word processor.

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