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Re: Debian vs Gentoo versatility (NOT PERFORMANCE)

aradorlinux@yahoo.es writes:

> Although optimizing certain things MATTERS. Recently a friend
> (another, the second) changed to gentoo. Testing X performance with
> glxgears, they win a lot of fps.  I'd wish to post some numbers. I
> will do it when i recompile X.

In my experience, OpenGL performance is all about hardware
acceleration: either you have it, in which case you get sane frame
rates, or you don't, in which case no amount of compiler optimization
will save you.

> Having a libc & X compiled for i386 sucks in performance terms,
> yeah.

Can you quantify this?  Conventional wisdom is that processor-specific
optimizations only really matter for things that really truly are
computationally intensive; this would include the software-only
rendering example, and it includes crypto libraries, but it doesn't
really include things like your random GNOME application.  If you have
actual numbers on how much faster doing things with a
processor-specific libc vs. a generic libc is, that might be

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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