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[OT] Suggestions for website design


I have recently been assigned the task of maintaining a small website for a
club on campus.  The person who did it before me did a decent job, but the
design basically sucks and he used an auto generating tool (Dreamweaver, I
think) to build it.  I don't really care for the way everything is setup, but
thankfully the people charge think it is time for a change want a top to bottom
redo of the site.

My questions are:

1.  I know very little about website design (aside from some very basic HTML). 
What are some good free (as in beer, I am a college student) resources for
learning web design?
2.  Since I will be doing all the work on this from my home machine (Debain
unstable) what tools should I use?
3.  Any other suggestions?

-Roberto Sanchez

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