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ugly pgp coloring after upgrade

hey all,

i'm running testing/unstable, using mutt and signing with gpg.  after
an upgrade this morning, all signed emails in mutt produce lots of
red coloring around the pgp data, as shown in the screenshot below:


the red lines used to be there, but only for the lines that actually
contained text -- not for the blank lines in between.  it's really

has anyone else noticed/seen this?



    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori/jnl/
   // \\          @ maenad.net
  /(   )\       www.maenad.net
  pgp servers finicky: get my (*new*) key here:
      (please *remove* old key 11e031f1!)
      (hey madduck)

Attachment: pgpktu0bx_ngd.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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