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Re: default run level

On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 03:06:34PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> "Irish, Jon D BAE SYSTEMS" <Jon.Irish@AMD.ARMY.MIL> writes:
> > Here is a newbie question: Which default run level do I change
> > inittab to so that the PC boots to a VGA console instead of X?
> On a clean install, level 2.

Bzzt!  Wrong answer...  Your answer applies only to Red Hat (and Red
Hat-derived distros).  It does not apply to debian.

Red Hat uses runlevels to control which services start, presumably
because it installs everything by default.

Debian's default config installs very little, so it assumes that, if
you install something else, you want to run it.  Therefore, all
runlevels (well, 2-5) are configured identically in debian.

The correct answer to Jon's question is "If you don't want to use a
GUI login, uninstall xdm (or wdm/gdm/kdm) or use update-rc.d to
disable it."

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White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
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