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Mutt manual.txt.gz strange escapes


What's the appropriate way to view the Mutt manual 

My mutt (1.5.3-3, from sid) has a macro defined:

    zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz | sensible-pager

which pages the manual through less.  I see lots of escape characters, 
which makes it really hard to read:

     Usage: charset-hook ESC[4maliasESC[24m ESC[4mcharsetESC[0m

Some stuff shows up highlighted (charset-hook in the above example), but 
theres lots of junk left over.  I've tried this in Eterm and xterm, and 
get the same behavior.

Any hints on how to tweak less or what pager I'm supposed to be using?


Christopher S. Swingley           email: cswingle@iarc.uaf.edu
IARC -- Frontier Program          Please use encryption.  GPG key at:
University of Alaska Fairbanks    www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

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