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Re: tar ate my symlinks

* nate <debian-user@aphroland.org> [20030317 10:45 PST]:
> Brian Victor said:
> > I backed up my debian installation with the following:
> >
> > tar --preserve -cv / | ssh 'cat > linuxbackup.tar.bz2'
> may I ask why? I have never heard of someone attempting such
> a task in that manor. I would say that the above is the source of
> the problems. Checking tar's manpage reveals no mention of the
> preserve option either.  I just tested using tar -cvf making a tar

I'll bet you got bitten by the manpage using hyphens in place of minus
signs for options.  (One of my big pet peeves...)  Search for just
/preserve/ instead of /--preserve/.  It's there.

> file with symlinks and extracted it with tar -xvf and the symlinks
> were preserved. You probably do not want to try to tar up the
> entire root partition as that includes /proc which is generally a
> real bad thing to try to backup.

Agreed.  Tarring up the whole of '/' is a bad idea.

> I would reccomend tarring to a file then copying the file over.
> Or, rsync(preferred rsync -av), or use NFS and tar to the NFS mount.

I disagree that there's anything wrong with "| ssh 'cat > filename'",
though.  Especially on a machine which has nothing but ssh on it;
there's no reason to want to install portmap and nfs just for backups,
when ssh will do just fine.  Rsync is great for backups, too, but still,
I run that over ssh.  For many simple purposes, tar is a great utility
for backups.  It's not for everything, every time, but it works.

> As for fixing your system, if all the files are chmod'd 000 your
> pretty much screwed as far as getting it back to a normal state,
> you may be able to run apt-get and have it reinstall all packages
> to hopefully restore all permissions, otherwise if it was my system
> I would backup the data I wanna keep & reinstall.

This is also good advice.  You should make an estimate of how difficult
a reinstall would be (saving your un-reinstallable data) and decide
whether it's worth the pain of trying to get every file back to the
right state.

good times,
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  --Benjamin Franklin

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