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Re: Ext3

Ron Johnson wrote:
On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 06:43, Metnetsky wrote:

I'm trying to install Debian, and was wondering how to use the ext3
File-System as opposed to ext2?  The installer defaults me into cfdisk
which only has ext2/swap as far as I can see.  Suggestions?  Oh yeah,
I'm using the Debian-30r1 for i386 gotten a few days ago from a Debian
mirror.  Thanks in advance,

man tune2fs

Specifically, the -j option.

My personal installation story:
I installed  Woody from a CD and so I had a 2.2 kernel.
I downloaded the 2.4.18 kernel source, then compiled it, making sure that ext3 support was provided.

Then I do:

tune2fs -j /dev/hda1

to turn hda1 from an ext2 into an ext3 partition, as inaccurate as that statement is. In reality (AFAIK) it is still ext2 with some journaling added on top of it. If you ran it as an ext2, it wouldn't be a big deal.

And don't worry. It will not corrupt your files or anything when doing so. I thought you had to do this with a fresh partition or that you had to format the partition to do it when I was trying to do this my first time.

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