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Re: Where to put local .debs?

Abdul Latip wrote:

I am just wondering where others put the local .debs
(e.g. the kernel-image). Or is it usual just to keep it
in /usr/src/ after "dpkg -i kernel..." ?

/usr/local/ is free for your personal use. Regular debs will NOT touch anything in this directory. You can keep them pretty much anywhere you want.../root/ or /home/~/ etc.

- may I know what "char-major-10-135" is? I read it is
  related to "RTC"; but I am not sure about how to get rid
  of that message...

It is the "Real Time Clock". If you examine your /etc/modules.conf you will find at least one reference to it... usually as an "alias". Mine is a single instance in the " update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386" section at the bottom. Note the section(s) it appears in, and remove/comment it out in the corresponding sections of /etc/modutils/..... the run "update-modules" to get a revised modules.conf and you should be set.

-Don Spoon-

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