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Re: /var/log/messages

> I wouldn't delete logs.  Sometimes you need them.  Go install
> logrotate if it's not alredy installed, if it is, play with the
> settings until you get something a bit more desirable.  It'll keep
> your logs pruned.

Well the cause of this seems to be a constant stream of messages form my cable modem that I can't silence. Something like "SPOOFED Packet IN=eth0 and then my MAC address and other network stuff including the IP address of the spoofed packet.  This is all coming from my cable company, I have talked to them about it but they don't really have any idea.  Ever since they upgraded my modem to a DOCSIS one, I get a constant stream d/l of ~2k.  I have a firewall installed, but even if I block these ports I still get the messages in a virtual terminal.

So this is how my messages file gets so big.  I've set the logs to rotate at 10M as per someones instructions above.

If you guys have any ideas how I can silence these messages from my modem, it would be greatly appreciated. 

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