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Re: ftpd-ssl

On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 01:52:17AM +0000, mjoyce wrote:
> I have ftpd-ssl running, it seems to work very well.
> As far as I can tell it just uses port 22, neat, this seems to make the 
> problems of ftp, port, firewalls, passive clients etc, go away, just open and 
> forward port 22.
> Is this right ?
> if so, i'm surprised more people don;t use it.

The FTP protocol uses two ports and FTP-SSL uses two more...

$ grep 'ftp' /etc/services
ftp-data        20/tcp
ftp             21/tcp
ftps-data       989/tcp                         # FTP over SSL (data)
ftps            990/tcp                         # FTP over SSL

Probably more people would use it if more ftp clients supported it...
I don't know how well it's supported in MS and Apple worlds...

Most anonymous access should probably continue to use normal ftp. SSL
does have overhead...

echo ">gra.fcw@2ztr< eryyvZ .T pveR" | rot13 | reverse

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