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error libproc.so.2.0.6: cannot open shared object file


Whilst running w (/usr/bin/w) on Debian Stable I had the following error
"w: error while loading shared libraries: libproc.so.2.0.6: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory"

I found (via groups.google) a similar thread on this list from 2002-12-17 
12:10:12 PST with same error when running ps. 

As /usr/bin/w is linked to /etc/alternatives/w I fixed the above error by 
moving old files "w" and "w.1.gz" in /etc/alternatives/ out of the way, then 
relinked as follows:
ln -s /usr/bin/w.procps /etc/alternatives/w
ln -s /usr/share/man/man1/w.procps.1.gz /etc/alternatives/w.1.gz

The abovementioned thread noted that "...for what it's worth, procps 
(containing both libproc and ps) wasn't changed between 3.0 and 3.0r1..."
however this system used to run potato and was upgraded to woody a while 
back, so perhaps there was a procps upgrade glitch b/n potato and woody.


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