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Re: How to determine why a package is "held back"?

On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 09:35, stan wrote:
> I've got 2 differnt "testing' machines that should be set up in a very
> similar fashion (mine which I tend to test things on first, and my wife's,
> which I ry to keep _very_ stable).
> Latley when I do apt-gte update ; apt-get dist-upgrade, her machine has
> been "holding back" gnome-common.
> How can I determine why this is os, and correct it?

# apt-get -s -u install gnome-common

Oh, and NEVER do "apt-gte update ; apt-get dist-upgrade".  If the
"apt-get upgrade" fails, the dist-upgrade will proceed anyway.

You should do this:
# apt-gte update && apt-get dist-upgrade

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
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| "Fear the Penguin!!"                                          |

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