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I was just trying to make a reiserfs partition on my new drive but I 
kept getting the following error
pherthyl:/home/leo# mkreiserfs /dev/hdb2 20000

<-------------mkreiserfs, 2002------------->
reiserfsprogs 3.6.3

mkreiserfs: Guessing about desired format..
mkreiserfs: Kernel 2.4.19-k7 is running.
reiserfs_create: no enough blocks on device

I get the same error no matter what I specify as the block size.  if I 
leave the size out it says
reiserfs_create: can not create that small (0 blocks) filesystem

I have a 10GB FAT32 partition at the start of that drive and the rest 
is free space.

I havent tried mkreiserfs -f /dev/hdb because I'm afraid it will 
destroy my Fat32 partition.

How come there are no nice graphical utilities (that I could find) 
that will allow you to make partitions?  Every single distro 
installer has a nice graphical utility but where can you get one 


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