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Re: Booting into Command Line mode

geno wrote:

Is there something I can add to the F3-listed rescue command to start up in command-line mode rather than in KDE when booting from the first CD?



I'm not familiar with "the first CD", or using the F3 key on it, but I assume it presents you with a LILO: prompt or something similar with a line something like:
   LILO: rescue root=/dev/hda1
or somesuch; just add the paramater "single" to the mix, so it becomes:
   LILO: rescue root=/dev/hda1 single
This will boot you into single-user mode at a command prompt; if you need multi-user capability, you can temporarily add "exit 0" as the first executable line in whatever /etc/init.d/ script starts your KDE (I'm thinking probably /etc/init.d/kdm) and then either reboot (like with Ctrl-Alt-Del or "shutdown -r now") or change runlevels (like with "init 2").


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