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Re: Adding Multiple Users

Quoting Mark Collins <mecollins@charter.net>:

> Hello,
> I just ran across your message on a debian.org thread. Did 
> you find a way to import user accounts from a text file? 
> Were you able to add the samba passwords at the same time?
> I'm looking to do the same.

Hi Mark,
Yeah, I was able to do batch installs.

You need to have your list of users (users.txt) and passwords in this format.


Then run the newusers command

# newusers users.txt

The 1002 represents their uID and GID.

If all you have is a list of users and passwords, you can run a shell script to 
form a users.txt in the proper format for newusers.
If you need help with that, ask the debian-user list group, or google.

To add samba accounts, I had a similar smbusers.txt but with only the account 
names and passwords.

jsmith  password
tjohnson  password

Then I ran

# while read n1 n2; do smbpasswd -as ${n1} ${n2}; done < smbu.txt

There's a probably a better way, but this worked for me.
You could also look at webmin, it may have some features for adding unix users 
and samba users.



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