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can exim try other route if first is rejected or down?

Dear Sirs [great spam phrase, actually.  Thought I was really
renaissance, but just added to my SpamAssassin score by using it,

Anyway, Dear Sirs, I have an officially approved "great question",
i.e. I wouldn't send a normal question to the list, only great ones
>>>>> "M" == Mark Symonds <mark@symonds.net> writes:

M> hrm great question actually.  I don't know offhand -
M> did you figure it out? 

The setting: young Dan at home connecting with his modem twice a day
to send his the email he has just written.

>> just curious, anyway in exim.conf to make it try the third one if the
>> second is down?
>> route_list="\
>> *.tw smtp.apol.com.tw bydns_a;\
>> * tx.symonds.net bydns_a;\ #for non TW, and symonds is down:
>> * smtp.apol.com.tw bydns_a;\
>> "
>> #last item  makes sense? no.

I suppose this is not the place to do that kind of thing... not the
right section of exim.conf ...

My dream in fact was
1. try direct connection to the final destination, if get failure:
2. try thru my ISP, if get failure:
3. try thru my pal's USA machine which never gets rejected as spam
suspect, and, if say there's a windstorm and it's down, try a backup...

However all these test apparently are not a smart way to dispatch 20
mails in a 10 minutes modem call...

Anyway, I was hoping exim could _for each message_ adapt to the
failures and successes of what happens as it goes down the list.
Maybe exim can't try another method of delivering the same message
when it say encounters "looks like spam, service not available".  Of
course I read the manual only once.
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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