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do I really need to be in all those /etc/groups?

Just look at me,
$ id
uid=1000(jidanni) gid=1000(jidanni)
My latest addgroup was disk, so I wouldn't get error messages when
eject(1)ing USBs.  However
$ find /dev |wc -l
$ find /dev -group disk -perm -20|wc -l
that gives me write permission to most of /dev.

By the way, those error messages were
eject: unable to open `/dev/sda1' #if my id(1) is not in the group "disk", or
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument #if it is.
Either way, it still does its job.  One has to be root to not get the
annoying messages.  System is debian 2.4.19-k7.

Another item is I can switch groups with ease,
$ newgrp disk
$ newgrp dialout
$ newgrp jidanni
Password: ******
Except for my own group, which fails when I give my login passwd...
Maybe I didn't read the manual.
But more exciting is when run in a emacs *shell* window,
$ newgrp disk
Segmentation fault
$ newgrp dialout
Segmentation fault
$ newgrp jidanni
Password: ******
$ newgrp audio
Segmentation fault
$ reportbug -f newgrp

P.S. even after doing
# deluser user group #(PPS: can use addgroup this way but not delgroup!)
the processes still have those privileges until they die.  But I guess
that is how the system is designed. 
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780

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