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Re: netscape not in unstable

Hi guys (in the gender-inclusive sense) & Rob,

who did notith Flamebait nor Troll as below....  ;-)

Verily, did Netscape say to Microsoft, "stuff you mate!"

While the later hath won many battles, the war continuesith & AOL/Netscape *fund* (kudos hereabouts!) both Mozilla & Netscape 7.x.

Netscape 7 series does include some fluff, but I like the added in Java, flash, spell checker & this may sound quaint; but I have grown somewhat attached to this old beastie, as we have been together since about 1994 & that is a long term relationship!

The only thing I wish it had, was a pop-up killer.

But if you know what I am saying, I am kind of fast on the draw of a mouse, partner *tumbled weeds are seen blowing behind the lone gunman, deep in the heart of Texas*

If some of this makes sense, I hope it answers your question?


Greek Geek  :-)

I know you think you have won, Mr Gates. So did the Trojan's & my ancestors dealt with them & we shall deal with you. --GG, on Debian Linux.

Rob Weir wrote:

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 02:44:18PM +1300, Haralambos Geortgilakis wrote:
Hi Yall & Mike,

point your software @ Netscape's FTP/HTTP & grab whatever you want.

I am on Netscape 7.0 now & it is just fine. There are no .debs, but the installer is ok.

Can I ask why you chose Netscape over Mozilla?  Netscape 7.0 just seems
to be an older, crippled version of Netscape with lots of shopping links
and cruft layered on top.

Er, that's supposed to be a serious question, not a troll :-)


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