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Re: bug tracking

On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 02:17:41PM -0500, do_not.email_me@nowhere.org wrote:
                                          Maybe you could have something
                                          a little more friendly as your
> I have an issue that I believe is at the kernel module level (K 2.4.18, 
> module opl3sa2).  I compiled the kernel with debugging enabled 
> <CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y>.  When the kernel freezes I get no "core" file and 
> can't seem to get anything from /var/log/daemon.log, kern.log, or 
> messages.  What can I do to get further clues as to what is going wrong?  

When the kernel crashes, there's no way for it to be able to know that
it's state is consistent.  Because of this, it's not safe for it to try
to write to disks (since it could easily destroy everything on the

The best it can manage is to write an 'oops' to the screen.  You';; have
to either write this down manually off the screen, or plug in a serial
console and tell the kernel to dump oopses onto the serial port.

> I can make the think crash on demand <and can avoid it if I wish to>.

Subscribe to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org and report it.  If it's
reproducible, then it's highly likely they can fix it.


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