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Re: DHCP Kernel Options - where to set?

>>>>> "Doug" == Doug MacFarlane <madmac@covad.net> writes:

Doug> On 17 Nov 2002, 15:31:38, Hubert Chan wrote:
Doug> Per Vincent, I simply need to edit my /.config file and voila.
>>  You need to recompile too, of course.
>> You say you're using a prepackaged kernel.  Which one are you using?
>> All the official Debian packages should have both options set, and I
>> would consider it a bug if they didn't.

Doug> In the 2.4.16-SMP prepackaged kernel I'm using, CONFIG_UNIX=m
Doug> is what's set in the config-2.4.16-SMP file . . . I don't know
Doug> what the m means . . .

The m means that it's compiled as a loadable module i.e. you can
dynamically load/unload it using modprobe (or insmod if you know what
you're doing) and rmmod.  The options you want to be looking for,

OK, I grabbed the 2.4.19-smp package (I assume 2.4.16 would be similarly
configured), and looked at the config file.  So CONFIG_FILTER is turned
on, but CONFIG_PACKET is a module.  The kernel docs tell me that if
CONFIG_PACKET is a module, the module name is af_packet.  So try running
"modprobe af_packet", and see if that helps.

If you want to have it loaded every time you boot up, add a line to the
end of /etc/modules that just says "af_packet".  You could instead try
adding a line "alias net-pf-17 af_packet" (at least that's what the
kernel docs say) to /etc/modutils/aliases and running update-modules.
That would be the cleaner approach, but I'm not 100% sure if that will
load the module when dhclient attempts to use it.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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