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traffic shaping https connections

hi all,

i'm going through the process of attempting to set up a traffic shaper
on my debian box.  the deal is, i'm playing online video games on a 
certain non-free OS, and all of a sudden my connection goes to hell
because i have a friend transferring a sizeable amount of data over 
https from my debian box (which is sharing the same net connection).

so, i'd like to set up a shaper that caps the bandwidth for https
connections.  i've looked at both the route-based shaper (the one
that works with the shapecfg pkg), and the QoS/CBQ one + the
HTB2 patch (which works with the shaper pkg).

the former doesn't do what i want and seems less stable, while i can't
get the latter to work at all.  shaper's docs / package info say somewhere
that i need certain kernel options enabled, which i've done, and that it
depends on certain things from iproute, which also somewhat obscurely
list two options that need to be turned on.  one of these, however,
RTNETLINK_something, seems to only be available in the 2.5 series of
kernel, and without it i get an RTNETLINK error whenever i try to run
the shaper script off of a config file.

anyone have any experience with this?  advice would be greatly appreciated.


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