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Re: Proposal - non-free software removal

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 11:48:50PM -0500, Tim St. Croix wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Nov 2002 16:26:46 -0700 (MST), you wrote:
> >HP just kinda sprung to mind as a Debian friendly entity 
> Oh how I wish that were true!  I'd be able to get my HP 3400C scanner
> working.  If HP were truly Debian (or even just Linux) friendly they'd
> provide specs to Bertrik Sikken (bertrik@zonnet.nl) who's trying to
> write the SANE backend for it.

HP seems to be a good example of the left hand not knowing what the
right hand is doing.  On the one hand, they hired Bruce Perens to
basically be their Free Software guide and (IIRC) bought a LWN
subscription for every dd out there, but on the other they do things
like not support low-end hardware with Free drivers, and try to stop
Bruce giving controversial talks.

But, y'know, it just means you need to be careful to talk to someone on
the 'good' side of HP.


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