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Re: vi as a text editor

This one time, at band camp, Sandip P Deshmukh said:
> hello all
> i have recently started using vi and i like it for its simplicity -
> 'clean-ness'. somethings are missing though.
> one is managing words towards end of line. as i type, towards the end
> of the line, it juts cuts the word. it neither hyphanates nor pushes
> it to the next line.  is there way i could make vi do this?
> moreover, can i have macros? doing the same repetitive thing? i will
> also like to bind them to key strokes.
> moreover, i have spell, ispell and aspell installed. is there a way i
> can use them while in vi?
> thanx,
> sandip p deshmukh ------***--------
> statistics, n.: A system for expressing your political prejudices in
> convincing scientific guise.

Try `dpkg -L vim`.  There are a ton of example macros, keymappings, etc
that come with the package.  There is also a walktrhough to teach you
the basics of using vim.
|Stephen Gran                  | In the long run, every program becomes        |
|steve@lobefin.net             | rococco, and then rubble.   -- Alan Perlis    |
|http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                               |
|                              |                                               |

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