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Re: What absolutely must stay on the physical root partition?

Ross Boylan <RossBoylan@stanfordalumni.org> writes:

> Can anyone tell me what / directories are reasonable to mount from
> other partitions/volumes, and which must stay put for safety?
> Here are my current guesses:
> Safe:
> /usr
> /home  (since /root is separate)

These two are definitely good candidates.  I like to make a separate
partition for /usr/local, too.  It typically contains things installed
by the user, and is left alone when upgrading the operating system.

> /share  (oddly, not discussed in FHS)

I think you must mean /usr/share, which *is* a good candidate for a
separate partition or logical volume.  Or, you can just leave it as
part of /usr.

> Possibly safe:
> /var
> /tmp  (maybe not--if a startup process uses it, and then it gets
> mounted over it seems there would be trouble)

These two are safe.  Making them separate is common practice.  Debian
seems to like a much larger /var than most other distributions.

> Definitely not:

> /boot

/boot can be separate, but there's probably no point, unless you have
an older BIOS that only boots from the lower 1024 cylinders.

> /lock

Don't recognise this.  Do you mean /var/lock?

> /proc

This is a virtual file system dynamically created by the kernel.  It
does not reside on disk.  The root partition only has the mount point
(an empty directory).

Here's the current /etc/fstab for my woody system.  I've been doing
something similar for many years with no problems.  The trick is to
get the sizes about right.  Logical volumes should help that a *lot*.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# base system partitions
# <file system>	<mount point>	<type>	<options>		<dump>	<pass>
/dev/hda1	/		ext2	errors=remount-ro	0	1
/dev/hda5	/usr		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda6	/usr/local	ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda7	/var		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda8	/tmp		ext2	defaults		0	2

# local site partitions
/dev/hda9	/home		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda10	/w		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda12	/x		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda13	/y		ext2	defaults		0	2
/dev/hda14	/z		ext2	noauto			0	2

# special file systems
/dev/hda11	none		swap	sw			0	0
proc		/proc		proc	defaults		0	0
/dev/fd0	/floppy		auto	user,noauto		0	0
/dev/cdrom	/cdrom		iso9660	ro,user,noauto		0	0

  Jack O'Quin
  Austin, Texas, USA

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