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Re: alsa: no device


Looks like you're making good progress.

> unfortunately, programs relying on alsa still don't work. alsaplayer has 
> the most eloborated error message: 
> snd_pcm_open: No such file or directory (default)
> /usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/libalsa.so failed to load
> I could not find a suitable output module on your system. Make sure
> they're in "usr/lib/alsaplayer/output/".
> failed to load output add-on. exitting...

I saw something similar recently on the alsa-user mailing list.  I
think this is an incompatibility between alsaplayer 0.99.59-5 and the
current version of ALSA (0.9).  It doesn't work on my system either.

The work-around is to run alsaplayer in OSS mode like this:

   alsaplayer -o oss

> it seems to me, that i've come quite a long way, but still i can't use
> alsa.

You certainly have.  You got the driver loaded.  I think that was
probably the hard part.

Can you actually produce sound?

This will check that the native ALSA interfaces work:

   aplay /usr/share/sounds/card_shuffle.wav    # (or any other sound file)

You'll probably need to set output levels with amixer or alsamixer, if
you haven't already.

You should be able to run OSS applications, too, like xmms and gqmeg.

  Jack O'Quin
  Austin, Texas, USA

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