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depmod and multi kernel systems


I've installed two kernels with modules in /lib/modules/2.2.20-
flavour1 and /lib/modules/2.2.20-flavour2, altough when I'm booting 
the second kernel I installed, I get a l lot of unresolved symbols 
since it looks for the modules in /lib/modules/2.2.20-flavour1 
instead of /lib/modules/2.2.20-flavour2. How do I fix so the kernel 
looks in the correct directory?

I've used Kernel-package to compile and create kernel*.deb's to 
install, and lilo as bootloader.

And a second question. Is there any arguments for using ext2 
instead of ext3? Cause I can't find any that would make anyone 
choose ext2 instead of ext3, and still Debian 3.0 installs on ext2.


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