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Re: apt-get perl mods?

cmustard wrote:
Hey Tom,

Yes, i do use cpan but there are a number of things i don't like about it.
One is that it always looks for the newest versions of things (
whether you wan't them or not)
A recent example is i tried to install the `libwww' perl library
via cpan for 3 days with tons of errors and dependancy problems that
just would not resolve, it was a real pain, then someone showed me how to get the lib via 'apt-get' and literally 2 minutes later, i had a fully functional libwww perl library installed.

Maybe this was a 'issue' with debian doing things a little differently
and maybe not having the 'newest versions' of everything in the 'apt-get'
database but when i was the true power of `apt-get', i was sold, so i always
try to install via that first, if not then, yeah i will resort to whatever
i have to get stuff installed.


I to tend to try apt-get first, but for a different reason. Updates on CPAN aren't going to "appear" on my comuter using apt-get or any utility that CPAN offers. They don't have a "update" feature that I'm aware of.

I also found out the I could not install Mail::SpamAssassin from CPAN as there were some dev libriries missing from Debian. Sometimes CPAN is not the easiest way to go.

Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.
		-- Nietzsche

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