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Re: Upgrading, getting the package

Laura Rudmin wrote:

(for some reason, though I sent this, it never came back through the list server... I'm trying again).

Seneca wrote:

On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 12:03:01PM +0200, Laura Rudmin wrote:

I generally use dselect, not understanding the apt-* system (not for want of trying, but the documentation is completely opaque to me. Sorry, there seems to be a density barrier there as of right now. Maybe in a year I'll understand it...)

As far as non-command-line goes, I prefer aptitude.

No problem: I decided just to go to KDE.ORG and download the debs.

So I'd *really* like to go back and find some way to be able to simply "dselect" KDE 3.04. Not to mention, I'll be able to better see what the packages are, avoid conflicts, and such.

Anyone know how to do this? I suspect it has something to do with sources, but to be able to set my sources on my own, I have to know (1) how to find out what is out there, (2) how to set my sources to that without destroying my old sources (and creating problems for other installed packages) (3) how to link that with dselect, should that be a problem.

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, add new deb lines, update.

It isn't working yet -- I get back "malformed line" when I enter
deb ftp://download.uk.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.0.4/Debian/sid

When I try "man sources.list", it seems to imply that I should have the ftp pointing at some particular point in the directory structure, but it doesn't specify what that point is.

What *should* I be using instead?

- Michael

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