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Re: cupsys and kde

On Thursday 07 November 2002 15:22, lostbear@softhome.net wrote:
> Hi,
> I seem to have a problem in getting CUPS to be configured with some
> applications of my system.
> I managed to configure cupsys on my system to use a printer on the
> network and it works for most of the applications like emacs/mozilla.
> However applications with KDE office suite don't seem to recognize the
> configured printer. It just lists four options
> 1) Mail PDF file
> 2) Print to PDF file
> 3) Print to file (PS)
> 4) Send to fax.
> When installing cupsys a message approx equal to this was
> displayed.
> need to add multicast add this to start up scripts to make things
> easier.
> route add -net netmask dev eth0.
> I haven't quite understood the relevance of this and I do add this route
> manually every time the system starts.
> I would appreciate if someone could point out to docs or urls to read
> about this problem and also explain the relevance of executing the above
> command.
> Thank you.
> regards
> Harshu

You have to have the loopbak interface correctly configured. But probably, 
you have (just type ping if you are not sure). Normally, just tell 
kde that you use cups in the printing dialog it propose. I use woody stable.

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