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Re: Samba causes printer to freeze after long period of inactivity

This one time, at band camp, Elizabeth Barham said:
> Stephen Gran <steve@lobefin.net> writes:
> > 
> > It sounds like a SAMBA problem, but whether it's on the server or
> > client side is unclear as yet.  When printing fails from the Win
> > box, can you see the printer in the Network Neighborhood? 
> Yes. It looks good.

Good.  Server side then.

> > Do you get any interesting clues in your SAMBA/lpd logs?
> conrad: dumb X terminal
> firewall: samba print server
> leonardo: win98 machine
> liliwhite: samba file server
> Nov  5 18:54:26 liliwhite smbd[30099]: connect from leonardo.renaissance.oasis
> Nov  5 18:54:48 firewall.renaissance.oasis kernel: lp0 off-line 
> Nov  5 19:01:11 conrad.renaissance.oasis -- MARK --
> Nov  5 19:01:58 liliwhite smbd[30103]: connect from leonardo.renaissance.oasis

This is your clue here - firewall says the printer is off-line 22
seconds after leonardo connects to liliwhite.  Print something from
leonardo, and then print something from lilwhite - see what the
difference in the logs looks like.  When the printer is off-line, try
the usual things to hunt it down - lsmod, etc.

> firewall is an older machine and the parallel port driver is kept as a
> module. It's hdd is set to spin down after one minute of inactivity
> and most of the time it just sits there.
> When, however, the "Print" dialog comes up in Win98, there is activity
> on "firewall" (samba print server) such that the drive starts to spin
> again, which perhaps is Windows checking out the network? or perhaps
> modprobe installing the parrallel port drivers?

Sounds likely.

> I do wonder why the printer seems to jam, though. After I pull the
> plug and plug it back in, it often times will print a very-messed up
> page (like the letters are huge). Perhaps there is some early sequence
> that confuses the printer. It may be a Win98 thing for all I know as
> it just printed something from ghostscript via lpd just fine after 16
> or so hours of inactivity.

We'll see . . . 

> Elizabeth


Detroit is Cleveland without the glitter.

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