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Re: True Type font again

ol.esser@belgacom.net said:
> I've still questions abpout installing true type fonts. I know I've to
> put the fonts in the correct directory and tell the X server to load
> them. The problems is that Xf86 also need a "fonts.dir" and a
> "fonts.scale" file. Is is possible to create them automatically. I
> want in fact install the font I have on my MS-Windows partition and
> these files are not present in Windows

Here's what I did:

1. putting the  *.ttf files in a directory somewhere
2. installing defoma and x-ttcidfont-conf
3. making a defoma hints file for them by running
   "defoma-hints truetype <ttfdir>/*.ttf > /etc/defoma/hints/custom.hints"
4. registering the fonts with
   "defoma-font register-all /etc/defoma/hints/custom.hints"

   at this point, defoma will have made symlinks to your fonts in
   /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType, along with
   fonts.(dir|scale|alias) files.
5. ensuring the X server is loading the "freetype" module
6. adding /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType to your X
   server's font path

This has the benefit of registering the new fonts with applications
other than X (that's what defoma is for), but I'm not sure that it works
on woody. I did it in unstable.


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