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Re: gnome2 + enlightenment

At 06:39 PM 11/5/2002 +1100, Rob Weir wrote:
On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 10:56:59PM -0500, Travis Crump wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, does enlightenment otherwise work with Gnome 2?
> Is this a major irritant or something fairly minor(I don't quite
> understand what you mean)?  Do multiple desktops work properly(each is
> allowed to have its own background and Alt+F[1-4] switches them)?  Any
> other major issues?  I have been reticent to upgrade to Gnome 2 since I
> have seen things to suggest that enlightenment never intends support
> Gnome 2 since e17 is supposed to be a desktop environment so I was
> curious as to your experience.

I imagine most things would work, since both GNOME 2 and e16 should
comply with the NetWM specification for window managers.

This is not a direct quote from E developers, but it should be close, and what they've said is that Gnome follows some rules and doesn't follow others. Things like the Panel are badly "behaved" according to some window-manager specification (is it NetWM ?? That doesn't sound familiar.).


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