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Re: Force dpkg to install newer package

!>> On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 10:19:58AM +0100, Marcel Lemmen wrote:
!>> > I found a problem with the unstable libc6 version and Mozilla (I'll
!>> > send another e-mail when this has been solved...). Therefor I've
!>> > downgraded libdb1-compat and libc6 and Mozilla worked fine
!>> > again.
!>Um. I bet you had to force this, right?

Nopes, it just replaces the newer version with an older version without
any warning.


!>You'll need to get a tar binary that works with the stable libc6
!>instead. I've put /bin/tar from 1.13.25-2 (woody/i386) here:
!>  http://people.debian.org/~cjwatson/tar
!>Download that, move it to /bin/tar, reinstall the tar package from woody
!>so that everything is consistent, and continue.

Great, this workes... Thanx!
Why doesn't dpkg give a warning if you downgrade this? It seems some
dependancies are not checked or something like that...


!>If you want to be careful, the md5sum of that binary is:
!>  $ md5sum /bin/tar
!>  de7b59b9f2c5a369b9adecbeeff9d44d  /bin/tar
!>... and somebody else with tar 1.13.25-2 should be able to confirm that.
!>Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]
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