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Re: desktop

> First, make sure you've installed the X Window system and appropriate X
> server (I /believe/ that doing an 'apt-get install x-window-system' will

you might also need to apt-get install xserver-xfree86.  oh wait, scratch 
that, you are using debian 2.2, so you might need to install an xserver 
specific to your graphics card.  Try "apt-cache search xserver-".  If that 
stumps you, try "apt-get install xserver-svga" I believe.

> do this for you). Next, you'll need to install a desktop environment --
> since you're new to this, I'd suggest either KDE or GNOME (do an
> 'apt-cache search ^kde' or 'apt-cache search ^gnome' to get a list of
> packages). Then, once these are installed, choose to either have debian
> boot into the command-line, or to have it boot into a session manager
> such as gdm, xdm, or kdm. If you do the former, you will /always/ boot
> into a desktop environment; if you do the latter, you'll need to type
> 'startx' from the command line to start your desktop environment.

while it is perfectly clear to the initiated what he meant by that, what he 
actually meant to say was that the former needs startx, and the later will 
start the desktop automatically.


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