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RE: The Real Problem With Debian

I'd rather have a strong user community than a slick config tool anyday.
Mandrake is "easier" for some, but you may not learn as much in the process.
Debian __is__ a great OS for those who want to dive into Linux and learn!

David Sanders

> From: Rick
> Subject: The Real Problem With Debian
> This will be my last post to the Debian users list.  I want to
> thank everybody
> for all their help, and patience.  However I would like to say a little
> something as well:
> Debian is supposedly a great OS, it is configurable, custimizable, and
> powerful, but Debian is ultimately misleading for many people.
> Debian is an
> OS that may be used on a server, or a developer's computer, so he
> can really
> feel the balls in his system, but it should not have been used on my
> computer, or a couple of my friend's computers.
> The Real Problem With Debian is that it is MANUAL.  Everything
> must be done
> manually, now although there may be a script or two to ease things along,
> these often DON'T WORK.  I have spent two weeks fighting
> slackware, trying to
> get it to work with my printer, and sound card.  Then I spent two weeks
> fighting Debian, trying to get it to work with my mouse, printer, network
> card, and sound card.  After installing Mandrake, everything worked
> instantaneously, sound, card, network, printer, EVERYTHING.  It
> ran faster
> too, I don't know why, but it did, and it had newer programs,
> like KDE3.xx.
> Which distro do you think I stuck with?
> This is not an attempt to convert any Debian users on this list,
> but it is a
> statement.  I spent a month fighting Slackware and Debian, and 45 minutes
> fighting Mandrake.  Full balls is nice, but how about having a
> system that is
> full balls, but ALSO is as easy to configure as mandrake?
> People on IRC tell me that my hardware is flaky, yet it works
> perfectly with
> Mandrake.  People on IRC were rude, and even elitist, and made
> fun of me more
> often then helping me.  A stark contrast to the helpfullness of
> the folks on
> the mailing list, odd.
> The ironic thing is that my computer was so stock, it was Lynksis
> NC100 card
> (tulip module) with a ESS1969 Solo card, a s3ViRGE 4mb video card, and a
> Logitech USB wheel mouse.  This should not have taken me two weeks to
> configure on ANY distro.  The point is that Debian is flaky, it
> is too stark,
> some call configuration tools "bloat", and call guis "evil", but
> configuration tools are the way of the future, and guis have been
> around for
> 20 years.  The problem is that these are the same people that
> work on Debian,
> it is too bad some of the corporate "customer comes first"
> mentality didn't
> get into Debian.  I donated $4 to Debian, more then many can
> claim, I guess I
> got EXACTLY what I paid for.  Good luck to all of you, and thanks again.

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