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Re: New install and 2.4 kernel?

Jonas Hallgren <jonash@chello.se> [2002-10-01 05:50:35 +0200]:
> I have used poptato with a 2.2 kernel for some time and now decided I
> wanted to upgrade to 3.0 with a 2.4 kernel.
> For som reason I thought that 2.4 was default in 3.0 but I found that it
> was 2.2.20. 

The 2.2 kernel was the best kernel at the time woody was feature
frozen for it.  But by the time it released that was a another matter.

> Does anybody know if there are any installation floppies out there with
> the kernel 2.4 already on them or do I have
> to install the 2.2.20 and then upgrade recompile the kernel?

You say floppy and I have never installed from floppy.  But the CDROM
release image 3.0r0 "Woody" has a 'bf24' boot image which is the
boot-floppies 2.4.18 kernel image.  Press F3(?) at the boot prompt to
get a listing and then bf24 to boot.  If you just hit enter then you
get 2.2.20.  Also available are other 2.4 images too.


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