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Re: Mozilla 1.0.1 builds for Woody?

> It has the new feature that you can open an URL in a new tab remotely, 
> which is Very Important[tm] when using it with other apps. That's why 
> I'm asking. I'm currently running 1.1 from Sid, and it works OK, but 
> I'm setting up Woody on another box now, and I'd like to avoid getting 
> things from sarge/sid in there. 

I use mozilla-snapshot by adding this to my sources.list:

#testing mozilla 
deb http://pandora.debian.org/~kitame/mozilla ./
deb-src http://pandora.debian.org/~kitame/mozilla ./

Seems to be less often than weekly nowadays, but still newer than

Note that you can have 'mozilla' and 'mozilla-snapshot' installed and
managed with alternatives, and it's not such a bad idea - if something
breaks in snapshot you can fall back to mozilla :)

happy mozilla'ing :)


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