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Re: Linux-native ROM?

At 09:06 9/30/2002 +0200, DSC Siltec wrote:
Here's a quick question, perhaps someone would know the answer.

Suppose I wanted to make a computer that was completely and automatically native to Linux, such that it automatically booted
into Linux, nice and quickly.  What would the best way of doing
this be?

Unfortunately I just had to unsubscribe from debian-user to keep my in-box from overflowing[1], so please cc me if you need to reply to me.

To ideas come to mind.

The first is http://www.openbrick.org, which you can get for around 500 Euros (about $US 500) with Debian pre-installed on compact flash. A few tweaks should let you mount everything important read-only in compact flash with maybe /var and /home on a hard drive and /tmp in a RAM disk.

The second is to do something similar with a CD-ROM, maybe using the very interesting stuff from http://www.lnx-bbc.org or doing a custom Debian install to an ISO image you've mounted through a loopback device. Same deal there: everything except /var and /home is on the CD-ROM or in a RAM disk. The only catch is that the user would need the disk in the drive to boot, just like the old 128K Macs and original PC's.

- Jeff

[1] My fetchmail/imap server fried last night to the point that it won't even get to the BIOS screen, so mail's backing up in my spool on the ISP until I can fix the beast.

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