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Re: IMAP folder listing

-- Justin Ryan <justin@gnubian.org> wrote
(on Sunday, 29 September 2002, 04:03 PM -0500):
> Anyone know of a way to set IMAP's root to ~/Mail/ as opposed to ~/ ? 
> When I go to subscribe to IMAP folders I see my entire home dir which is
> a bit messy - especially for users/customers who are not familiar (nor
> want to be) with the UNIX dir stricture.  also adds an unnecessary level
> to the tree in my IMAP client (INBOX is top-level, all the rest are in
> Mail/).
> Also, I see two entries for "INBOX" in the IMAP listing, any idear what
> these might be?  Possibly /var/mail/user and /var/spool/mail/user (I'm
> using wu-imapd on Debian 3.0/woody and /var/spool/mail is a symlink to
> /var/mail).
I'm not sure if this is an IMAP issue or an MTA issue -- I had a problem
like this with both uw-imapd and Courier. I finally solved it in my
Postfix configuration, where I was able to tell it to send mails to my
~/Maildir. (I then configured Courier-IMAP to look in the ~/Maildir
folder for mail.)

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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