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Re: A Better XTerm?

On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 07:56:49PM -0700, Josh Rehman wrote:
> The thing that I really want is the ability to horizontally scroll. The
> commands "top" and "ps -aux" often create very wide output, and I'd like

You probably won't find a terminal that lets you scroll horizontally,
but for non-interactive commands you can pipe the output to less. As I
recall less can scroll horizontally.

> And if it's not asking too much, the ability to rename each session.

What do you mean, rename each window? Pretty much every terminal can do
that with a command-line argument or escape codes. I think there's a
package that automates the escape codes for you to do it on the fly, but
I don't remember the name of it.

Michael Heironimus

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