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Re: How "stable" is "testing"?

* Neal Lippman (nl@lippman.org) [020928 15:35]:
> I am wondering how stable people are finding testing for use on their
> workstations. I am running woody, and very happy with it. However, I
> would like to be a bit more up to date with some of my software - for
> instance, I'd like to be using KDE 3 instead of 2.2, and the newest
> evolution, so I was thinking about doing a dist-upgrade to sarge. I
> don't, however, look forward to severe breakage now that I finally have
> my system configured and working.

At least as stable as any redhat "release."

</me ducks>

good times,
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  --Benjamin Franklin

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