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Tex to PDF conversion trouble (pdflatex)

Having now had some annoying, incomprehensible screw-up with WP9 where its equation editor no longer displays things correctly, I've started looking for alternatives (again). OpenOffice and KOffice have both been ruled out because of a problem with silly looking output where accent-type characters float miles above the character that they are supposed to be on top of.

I've been experimenting with LyX and once I figure out what it is actually doing by looking at the file it generates in an editor like kate I'll probably carry on that way. At any rate, I can't seem to print anything from it. I tried exporting it to .dvi or .pdf as well as printing to file, but no go. I was able to export it to .tex however. So I ran pdflatex and texi2pdf on the .tex file and got the following error message with both:

I can't find the format file `pdflatex.fmt'!

So off I went and googled on that and came up with a few bites, notably that I had to create such a file (which I have done using 'pdftex -ini -fmt=pdflatex latex.ltx') and that I had to put it in the TEXFORMATS path of texmf.cnf. I found that file sitting in /etc/texmf. Unfortunately, I can't figure out the path stucture of anything in that file, as it all begins with .; , and, to top it off, one is apparently not supposed to edit it anyway.

So, what I'd like to know is:
1) Where do I put pdflatex.fmt now that I have created it
2) Where and how do I specify a path to it

In case this matters, tetex-bin and tetex-base are installed.
David P. James
4th Year Economics Student
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.
-Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek IV

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