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Re: A Good FTP Client.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 10:41:37PM -0400, Bob Bernstein happened to mention:
> Quoting Gord Berta <gberta@sympatico.ca>:
> > Is there a kde3 freindly version of another ftp client that someone could
> > point me in the right direction.
> You could build from source, or take the leap to a console tool, namely
> ncftp. I guarantee it will be the last "new" ftp client you ever try. (But
> you have to read the man page! <g>)

I think I saw in the Debian Weekly World News this past week that the
ncftp package is now orphaned.  I agree that that program is quite
useful, and I was sad to see that.  (Knowing squat about being a
developer beyond taking it to the photo shop for the 1-hour service,
I'm not volunteering... :)


Jeff Maxson

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