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Re: Emergency - partition table gone

Quoting Christoph Claus <chr-debuser@lux.dnsalias.net>: 
> Hi Leo, 
> > Is there a way to get this on a disk or something?  I dont have any 
> > system up right now.. 
> http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/user/76201/gpart/ 
> You can boot from boot-floppy, your debian-CD, ... 
Or the Knoppix cd!!  That thing dominates!  I just booted from that, got a 
nice KDE3 desktop, internet works to download gpart..  Can even listen to a 
few tunes while my hard drive gets (hopefully) unf*cked. 
Much nicer than any boot floppy. 
Thanks for your help tho. I was panicking there for a while. :) 

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