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Re: How can I get graphing in Gnumeric?

"J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)" <dm@zensunni.demon.nl> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 21:55:36 -0500, Dan Griswold wrote:
> > I know that Gnumeric supposedly has graphing capability. I know that this
> > capability is dependent on guppi-gnumeric, a virtual package that on my
> > box (running Sid) points to libguppi16. I have version 1.1.7-1 of Gnumeric
> > installed,
> Gnumeric 1.1.7-1 is not, nor has it ever been in sid. It has only been in
> project/experimental, where it has been replaced by newer builds (currently
> 1.1.8-2).
> Install the sid version (currently 1.0.9-5) and thing should be fine.


That did it! Thanks! And it solved all the other issues, too.

The problem goes back to when I was trying out gnome2, and I pinned
experimental. Then I gave up on gnome2, and removed the pin. Gnumeric
1.1.7-1 was installed, and then left there once I gave up on
gnome2. Removing gnumeric then installing it again fixed things.

Thanks again,


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