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Re: thin client

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 09:45, nate wrote:
> Chavdar Videff said:
> > I am interested in configuring two machines to use thinclient.
> > I installed the new Debian 3.0 on my machine. On the second machine my
> > colleague has a running Windows 98. I would like to allow my colleague
> > use  certain applications running on my server side without quitting her
> > Windows  session. I read the Thinclient howto but it explained how to
> > configure a  diskless machine to use an X server.
> > That is why I figured out I need extensive reading of thinclient
> > documentation. All reading tips will be greatly appreciated.
> as someone else noted you can get an X server locally and tunnel
> it..other options i can think of:
> 1) VNC (or a variant, such as tightvnc)
> 2) commercial alternatives(the company i work for makes such a product,
> though I don't think it's compadible with debian 3.0 yet:( )

Note, though, that whether it's vnc or an x-server running on
win32, it's still won't be a thin client.

Boot the client off the network card (from server), or off of floppy

Depending then on how your structure it, the client will do some
of the processing itself, or may only paint the screen and have
the server do all of the heavy lifting.

If the server does all of the heavy lifting, then, it will look
a lot like win32 running an x-server, but without the client
overhead of windows.

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